Friday 23 August 2013

10 Signs That Your Website Is Screaming For a Makeover

Your website needs a makeover if...

It's boxy. Remember cars of the 80's? (If you are too young, hit Google images). They looked like shoe-boxes on wheels. Straight edges and sharp corners everywhere. Now look at today's cars. Smooth sleek curved lines. If your website looks boxy - it's time for a website makeover.

It has cringeworthy photos. We all have a good laugh at the clothes and hair we used to wear (... and think that we looked good in. Me? I was sure my afro perm was brilliant). You can pick the era by what is in the photo. If your photos are showing your age - it's time for a website makeover.
It has mission brown colour schemes. OK. You may not have mission brown and avocado on your website, but colours do go out of fashion. If you haven't refreshed your colour palette for a few years - it's time for a website makeover.
There are cobwebs on your SEO. If your SEO strategy for your site consists of seeing how many times you can shove your keyword into a sentence (and not worry if any human can actually read it) - it's time for a website makeover.
You have rusty code. Would you race your vintage (meaning never been serviced) Datsun 180B at Bathurst? You wouldn't make it round the first bend before blowing a gasket and creating a smoke hazard on the track. The code that runs your website may have been state-of-the-art back in its day. But if it is more than 5 years old - it's time for a website makeover.
It's full of someones that I used to know. Employees (and executive members) come and go. But if your site still is pining over someone who left more than a few weeks ago - it's time for a website makeover.
There are rain cheques on that service. We all know that service offerings change. You pick up new services and discontinue old ones. But if your website still tells everyone about what you used to offer, and not what you currently offer it is like walking into a takeaway food place (I refuse to call them restaurants), and finding that the blackboard menu has lines through everything except for the battered flake. And when you add that the pricelists are only for 2011 and you have to guess the current rate - it's time for a makeover.
You've Got Mail. Remember how excited we were when we first got email? That's when Hotmail and other free email accounts were in their heyday. If you still have a Hotmail account (or Bigpond or Optus or Gmail) as your primary business account, you are wearing the equivalent of a Walkman - it's time for a website makeover.
You have stuffy web copy. If your web copy reads like you have taken a bath in starch, and then rolled in jargon - it's time for a website makeover.
It's only viewable with a massive magnifying glass. If your site is only viewable on a nice large desktop computer, and you issue a microscope to anyone who wants to read your site on a mobile device - it's time for a makeover.

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