Thursday, 20 September 2012

Hints for Self Improvement and Success

Hints for self improvement and success in life and in business go hand-in-hand. Businesses have long used a tool to help employees succeed by setting goals for personal and work improvement. These are called action plans. If you set out on a course for self improvement you will need to have a well written action plan that will help you identify and achieve those goals.
Personal improvement will often fail because of the lack of clearly identifiable and achievable goals. An action plan is merely a map of where you want to go and how you will get there.

Begin your action plan with goals that are clear and concise. They should be measurable and you should be realistic when you set the goals. Make sure they are attainable. The goal should tell what it is that you want to do and the time frame in which you wish to accomplish that goal. If you want to write an action plan for weight loss then you should set one goal to lose a specified number of pounds by a certain date. For example: I will lose 10 pounds by September 30. You may wish to set another goal with the weight loss. To include exercise in your weight loss action plan simply state goal number 2 as, 'I will walk 30 minutes per day by September 30th.'

Now that you have your goals stated you will need to create a plan to achieve those goals. Each goal will need to be considered separately because the plan to achieve each goal will be different. The plan will have to include tasks and you will need to do research or draw upon knowledge you already have to define those tasks. You may want to consult a nutritionist or a personal trainer for your two goals listed for weight loss. Include the cost of each task, if there will be a fee. For example, if you choose to go to the gym to walk on their track, you will need to note the fee for gym membership.

You will have to allocate the time that you need for these tasks. For example, if the consult with the nutritionist listed dietary changes, you may need to take the time for noting shopping lists, menu planning and execution, and noting calorie consumption. Your consult with a personal trainer may need to show that you will begin at a specific level and work up to a more stringent workout routine. You may need to note progress on a daily or weekly basis.

Hints for self improvement and success will work better when you take the time to keep records of your goals and tasks. A log that goes with your action plan will be a great tool for motivation when you hit a weight loss plateau or when you feel like your workout routine is not getting noticeable results. Using the weight loss action plan above, you would log a goal to achieve five miles walking in thirty minutes. You may note in the log gym membership fees of $600 for the year. You may log the fee for the personal trainer and log the beginning weight and body fat index number. On the log note the number of reps you start with and log the number you have achieved at the end of each quarter.

If you think that you are moving too slowly toward your goal, then using the information from the log will enable you to modify your plan. This log will help you track and recognize hints for self improvement and success that will achieve your action plan goals.

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