Wednesday 4 September 2013

Benefits And Tips Of Effective Article Writing In Online Marketing

Writing is a difficult yet challenging and fulfilling task. Article writing for online purpose have benefits not just for businessmen but also for online searchers. In general, there are 2 benefits stipulated and expounded as follows:

1. The articles produced help business sites to rank in the search engines. This is the primary purpose of online writing, to produce articles that are helpful in caddying the site to the top page of Google, Yahoo or Bing. This reflects to SEO content writing. Transparently, both online contents and SEO work together in online marketing.

Monday 2 September 2013

Reasons Behind Gold Collecting And Investing

There are various reasons to purchase gold coins. For one, each one holds a unique story. The style, mint marks, condition, and make up of each coin can provide you a glimpse on what was going on in its country of origin when it was created, and can thus provide you with a better understanding of the past. Collecting coins, also known as numismatics, is considered one of the oldest hobbies. It became extremely popular in the last century when commemorative coins became widely accessible.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Searching For Jobs? 5 Tips To Ensure Success

1. Focus your efforts on the right companies: You need to target your search on the companies that are most likely to hire you. Make a list of these companies and do plenty of research on them so that you know exactly to whom or where you have to apply to for a job. If you apply indiscriminately for a job then you'll just be wasting your time effort.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

How To Handle The Tough Stuff!

Did you think it would be 'easy' having your own business? I was driving through a small business area of town last week and commenting to my friend that many people just have absolutely NO idea what it takes to have a business and to succeed in business.

There are so many misconceptions about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to keep things simple. So, taking this simple approach, I want to speak to a number of different situations in business that we all face and give you some of the simple steps I take to handle them.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Content Marketing 5 Tips

1. Know your audience.

The first rule of content marketing is the same as the first rule of any type of marketing: Talk to your customers. If you work in a more creative space, get creative. If it's more upscale, go in that direction. Stick to what you know and what is expected from you.

Friday 23 August 2013

10 Signs That Your Website Is Screaming For a Makeover

Your website needs a makeover if...

It's boxy. Remember cars of the 80's? (If you are too young, hit Google images). They looked like shoe-boxes on wheels. Straight edges and sharp corners everywhere. Now look at today's cars. Smooth sleek curved lines. If your website looks boxy - it's time for a website makeover.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Top 10 Membership Marketing Tips

• Create and understand your 'buyer persona': Understanding who your core customers are. These will be split into two categories - those that are not members and need to understand who you are and why they should join, and those that are members and need to understand why they should continue to subscribe. Figure out who your typical new or existing member is - what they do for a living, what business/personal issues they face, where do they spend their time online, who do they go to for advice, what's the key driver in their decision to join a membership organization? Understanding your buyer persona will ensure your marketing messages are created to exactly target these people.